Friday, June 19, 2015

What is that thing? A "Lexus"?

That is what a person with little knowledge would say when he sees the Lexus NX parked outside the supermarket. It’s obvious, that Lexus wants to appeal to younger customers. Unfortunately, they are failing miserably. Their new cars aimed at younger customers are hideous. Take the Lexus NX as shown above. It is ugly. For some reason, Lexus has decided to make a box with some triangles on it. This completely ruined a CUV that would have been a brilliant car.

File:2014 Lexus NX 300h (AYZ15R) F Sport wagon (2015-06-03) 01.jpg
Lexus NX
Fortunately, the NX may not be brilliant due to its lack of looks, but its quality has helped spike sales. The new 235 horsepower turbo charged 4 cylinder engine has a fair 25 combined mpg. It is much better than that 204 horsepower 6 cylinder engine with a woeful 24 combined mpg found in the IS250.

'14 Lexus IS 350 (MIAS '14).jpg
Lexus IS250
Unfortunately, Lexus is still building cars that look like they crashed into a dimension that only has triangles that stick to cars and cannot come off.

2011 Lexus RX350
Take the 2011 Lexus RX as shown above. It is a brilliant car. It is reliable, clever, good quality, practical, but only okay looking. It rides well and is perfect for the person who wants a luxury car that is good for the family.

Lexus RX
(The New One)
Now take the recently revealed 2016 Lexus RX shown above. The designer must have been lazy. That’s because they made the front end look like a stretched out RCF and the rear end look like a Toyota Wish. 

Long story short, Lexus needs to go back to their old ways and do what they do best. Make cars with excellent quality and modest design for mid age people, just like the third generation Lexus RX. 

Remember to follow my blog. I do not have social media so there is no link. Thank you for reading.

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